1986Zoltán Szentendrei founds Prospektus Kiadványszerkesztő és Kivitelező Gmk., which specializes in making offset plates. Prospektus Gmk./Ltd. started as a one-man private company, founded by a 5000 USD loan from relatives, equipped with an imported typesetting typewriter. Today, it has buildings and machinery worth 2,500 million HUF and employs more than 50 people. It is one of the most advanced among European small and medium-sized printing houses.
19861986 -
Zoltán Szentendrei founds Prospektus Kiadványszerkesztő és Kivitelező Gmk., which specializes in making offset plates. Prospektus Gmk./Ltd. started as a one-man private company, founded by a 5000 USD loan from relatives, equipped with an imported typesetting typewriter. Today, it has buildings and machinery worth 2,500 million HUF and employs more than 50 people. It is one of the most advanced among European small and medium-sized printing houses.
1990The company expands its activities after the regime change (when reproduction is not banned anymore) to full implementation of printing, and the company’s legal form is changed from Gmk. to Ltd.
19901990 -
The company expands its activities after the regime change (when reproduction is not banned anymore) to full implementation of printing, and the company’s legal form is changed from Gmk. to Ltd.
1992Industry changing computer aided (DTP) phototypesetting is introduced. This technology brought an end to the era of traditional lead-based typesetting. Equipment includes Intel 80286 and 80386 processor computers and Linotype 200 imagesetter equipment, flatbed scanner and Ventura software. This system was able to integrate text and black-and-white images into one page and to imageset it to film.
19921992 -
Industry changing computer aided (DTP) phototypesetting is introduced. This technology brought an end to the era of traditional lead-based typesetting. Equipment includes Intel 80286 and 80386 processor computers and Linotype 200 imagesetter equipment, flatbed scanner and Ventura software. This system was able to integrate text and black-and-white images into one page and to imageset it to film.
1993First in the country, company installs a small format, four-colour, alcohol dampened, Heidelberg GTO type offset printing machine, creating the possibility of producing high-quality colour brochures.
19931993 -
First in the country, company installs a small format, four-colour, alcohol dampened, Heidelberg GTO type offset printing machine, creating the possibility of producing high-quality colour brochures.
1994-1998This is the period of continuous development of computer typesetting, introduction and refinement of DTP-based colour separation, and finalisation of image processing and text integration.
1994- 19981994-1998 -
This is the period of continuous development of computer typesetting, introduction and refinement of DTP-based colour separation, and finalisation of image processing and text integration.
1999As a novelty not only in Hungary but in the whole world, Heidelberg Delta Technology is installed. First in the country, this made perfect colour matching possible by digitizing the process of former manual mounting. As end result, a complete printer’s form is placed on a single film.
The same time, the then cutting-edge sheet-fed printing machine gets commissioned, a Heidelberg SM 74-6 LX six colour varnishing machine, equipped with tempered toner and alcoholic dampening. Due to its advanced features, this printing machine is able to create colour intensity reminiscent of photo quality. Thanks to this machine and the Delta Technology typesetting mentioned above, instead of the coarse standard 60 v/cm resolution, first in Hungary, it became possible to print with 100 v/cm resolution. The technology was presented in the Prospektus Press for the entire Hungarian printer business this year.
19991999 -
As a novelty not only in Hungary but in the whole world, Heidelberg Delta Technology is installed. First in the country, this made perfect colour matching possible by digitizing the process of former manual mounting. As end result, a complete printer’s form is placed on a single film. The same time, the then cutting-edge sheet-fed printing machine gets commissioned, a Heidelberg SM 74-6 LX six colour varnishing machine, equipped with tempered toner and alcoholic dampening. Due to its advanced features, this printing machine is able to create colour intensity reminiscent of photo quality. Thanks to this machine and the Delta Technology typesetting mentioned above, instead of the coarse standard 60 v/cm resolution, first in Hungary, it became possible to print with 100 v/cm resolution. The technology was presented in the Prospektus Press for the entire Hungarian printer business this year.
2001To further improve print quality, first in Hungary, again, and as one of the first in the world, the company implemented the most perfect procedure of print-time colour control to this day, implementing the equipment and technology of ImageControll (CPC-24), developed by the Heidelberg printing machine factory. This ensures the same colour density in a verifiable manner, throughout the whole production. At the same time a CTP printing plate maker (Heidelberg Topsetter) is put into operation, also among the first in the country. This eliminated the use of film printing, has prevented analogue plate making, improving the quality of the printing form and also the print quality. Later this year, with the help of Heidelberg experts, also first among national printing companies, colour management technology is introduced ensuring the permanence of the printed colours over the full spectrum of printing. From this time Prospektus Press virtually became a reference place for the world’s largest printing machinery manufacturer, the German Heidelberg printing machine factory.
20012001 -
To further improve print quality, first in Hungary, again, and as one of the first in the world, the company implemented the most perfect procedure of print-time colour control to this day, implementing the equipment and technology of ImageControll (CPC-24), developed by the Heidelberg printing machine factory. This ensures the same colour density in a verifiable manner, throughout the whole production. At the same time a CTP printing plate maker (Heidelberg Topsetter) is put into operation, also among the first in the country. This eliminated the use of film printing, has prevented analogue plate making, improving the quality of the printing form and also the print quality. Later this year, with the help of Heidelberg experts, also first among national printing companies, colour management technology is introduced ensuring the permanence of the printed colours over the full spectrum of printing. From this time Prospektus Press virtually became a reference place for the world’s largest printing machinery manufacturer, the German Heidelberg printing machine factory.
2003First in Hungary, polyurethane (PUR) adhesive bounding process, which provides quality glue bounding, gets introduced by the company. Tool: Wohlenberg Quickbinder.
20032003 -
First in Hungary, polyurethane (PUR) adhesive bounding process, which provides quality glue bounding, gets introduced by the company. Tool: Wohlenberg Quickbinder.
2004Hybrid technology effect varnishing, a worldwide novelty, gets introduced by a machinery investment. Machine: Heidelberg CD 74-6 LX UV printing machine. This process enables single pass colour printing and special lighting-effect form-lacquering.
20042004 -
Hybrid technology effect varnishing, a worldwide novelty, gets introduced by a machinery investment. Machine: Heidelberg CD 74-6 LX UV printing machine. This process enables single pass colour printing and special lighting-effect form-lacquering.
2006To ensure efficiency and competitiveness, further expansion of the machinery took place: Central and Eastern Europe’s most effective sheet-fed offset printing machine is deployed, along with the associated extra-large CTP printing plate maker and folding machine. The main equipment of the project: KBA Rapida 130/a 8 SW printing machine, which can print 32 A/4 sized pages at the same time, on both sides of the paper sheet.
20062006 -
To ensure efficiency and competitiveness, further expansion of the machinery took place: Central and Eastern Europe’s most effective sheet-fed offset printing machine is deployed, along with the associated extra-large CTP printing plate maker and folding machine. The main equipment of the project: KBA Rapida 130/a 8 SW printing machine, which can print 32 A/4 sized pages at the same time, on both sides of the paper sheet.
2012Due to the decrease in demand of the traditional printing products, Prospektus Kft. launched a new packaging division. The manufacturing of folding cardboard boxes started.
20122012 -
Due to the decrease in demand of the traditional printing products, Prospektus Kft. launched a new packaging division. The manufacturing of folding cardboard boxes started.
2016With the construction of a new warehouse building, the raw material supply has become more flexible. One investment in printing press (Heidelberg XL 75-4 + dispersion varnish) and doubling of die cutting capacity (KAMA SBU) are able to serve the more efficient production.
20162016 -
With the construction of a new warehouse building, the raw material supply has become more flexible. One investment in printing press (Heidelberg XL 75-4 + dispersion varnish) and doubling of die cutting capacity (KAMA SBU) are able to serve the more efficient production.
2020In 2020, the printing house again carried out a significant technological modernization. A B/1 format Heidelberg folding machine was installed. An automatic Heidelberg Suprasetter CtP form making machine and a Heidelberg SX 102 B/1 format 8 colour press were put into operation. In July, a new Heidelberg XL 75 B / 2 format 4 + 4 + lacquer printing machine was installed. With these investments, the printing house is at the forefront of the Hungarian printing industry.
20202020 -
In 2020, the printing house again carried out a significant technological modernization. A B/1 format Heidelberg folding machine was installed. An automatic Heidelberg Suprasetter CtP form making machine and a Heidelberg SX 102 B/1 format 8 colour press were put into operation. In July, a new Heidelberg XL 75 B / 2 format 4 + 4 + lacquer printing machine was installed. With these investments, the printing house is at the forefront of the Hungarian printing industry.